ayroll Solutions, Inc. is an experienced, value added payroll processing provider with a reputation for supplying clients with outstanding service. A local, King County company, Payroll Solutions prints and delivers payroll checks, quarterly payroll tax returns, year end W-2s and tax reports, and has certified public accountants on staff. Dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, the company's expert processors work evenings and weekends to make sure that clients receive their payroll on time, and are always available during business hours to personally answer questions. Most importantly, Payroll Solutions guarantees excellence through continuous monitoring of payroll regulations and frequent software upgrades, ensuring that returns are always accurate and filed on time. In fact, the company's ability to electronically transmit tax and employee deposits, streamlines the payroll process and minimizes client paperwork, filing, and storage. Mention the SeattleShoppingGuide.com and receive a 15% discount on the price of your current payroll processing service when you switch to Payroll Solutions Inc.

3056 15th Avenue West
Seattle WA 98119
ph: (206) 217-9256

  • Excellent Quality, Lower Prices
  • Your Outsourcing Partner
  • Quick Turnaround
  • Local Business Payroll by
  • Payroll, Tax Reports & More
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We look forward to serving all your payroll needs. We appreciate your comments and inquiries!

Special Offer
for SeattleShoppingGuide.com visitors


Simply print this page out or call us and mention the SeattleShoppingGuide.com special discount offer and recieve a 15% discount on the price of your current payroll processing service when you switch to Payroll Solutions, Inc! Call now: (206) 217-9256