17420 Highway 99 | ph: (425) 742.2237
This is Lynnwood's largest Asian shop, serving the local Asian community with groceries, kitchen products, assorted Chinese
herbs, and gift items. Visit it for a break from the typical shopping routine. |
Seattle's Finest
Exotic Meats
17535 Aurora Ave. N. | ph: (206) 546.4922
For carnivores bored with the normal meat-eating fare of ground beef and chicken, Seattle's Finest Exotic Meats offers
an exquisite selection of exotic game meats from around the globe. This butcher shop extraordinaire carries everything from antelope
steak to rattlesnake, and is truly a treat for the culinary adventurer. Seattle's Finest Exotic Meats sampler packs make excellent gifts
- especially the Big Game Sampler (featuring elk, antelope, and caribou) and the Four Bird Feast (pheasant, poussin, squab, and quail).
Not sure how to cook an alligator steak? Don't know what to serve with possum? Check the shop's website for tons of recipes and cooking